+That's Interesting

+That's Interesting

The US has approved its first treatment for peanut allergies in children

Some recent studies in rodents have suggested that lithium may help treat Alzheimer’s disease

As the local health IT industry gears up for next week's HL7 International working group meeting in Sydney, the big news this week has come from the US, where the full details of the massive $US145 million fine levied against practice management system vendor Practice Fusion were revealed

The Southern District Health Board is preparing a strategic case to adopt "generalism"  at Dunedin Hospital.  Mike Houlahan asks what generalism is, and what it might mean for patients and doctors

The number of British people choosing to pay for private hospital surgery has soared with the total amount spent doubling in six years to £1.1bn

Experts say cervical cancer could be eliminated in England through a combination of the vaccine and NHS screening

Overexercising and undereating, which can cause relative energy deficiency in sport (RED-S), can affect fertility, bone density, energy levels and all body systems