+That's Interesting

+That's Interesting

Asher was a problem dog. A hyperactive and unruly chocolate-brown cocker spaniel with ears like pittas

Lincoln Agritech, a development company owned by Lincoln University, has received $290,000 in government funding to create biodegradable wool-based PPE masks for the Covid-19 pandemic response

Be careful when returning to the pub. Your alcohol tolerance might've changed during lockdown, meaning you could do greater harm to your body

A new drug that researchers are currently trialing to treat osteoarthritis can dampen the harmful effects of an overactive immune system while protecting its beneficial functions. The drug could, therefore, potentially treat rheumatoid arthritis, as well as other conditions resulting from inflammation

In almost every age group, males appear to have worse Covid-19 symptoms and a higher death rate than females

Fears of a second wave of coronavirus have sparked a global scramble for influenza shots from countries that hope to vaccinate great swathes of the population to reduce pressure on their health services

Recent COVID-19 study suggesting that patients with this particular blood type may be more immune to COVID-19, having type O blood can actually considerably reduce your risk of contracting coronavirus

Babylon Health has suffered a data breach involving confidential patient information, with users of its GP video consultation app allowed to see other patients’ appointments

Soon after he repurposed his 60-bed cardiac unit to accommodate COVID-19 patients, Mount Sinai cardiovascular surgeon John Puskas was stumped: With nearly all the beds now occupied by victims of the novel coronavirus, where had all the heart patients gone?

How I learned about the pleasures of withdrawing from life and living within myself