+That's Interesting

+That's Interesting

Vice President of the Australian Medical Association, Dr Chris Moy has slammed both parties for not presenting any “coherent policy for health”, calling for more hospital funding and general practice investment amid major delays and staff shortage

Liam’s* crowdfunding campaign page is direct: his “sole purpose is to survive”.

“For me, healing is not possible, because of what has happened,” Tyrone Marks told New Zealand’s royal commission into abuse in care on Monday. “I still carry on however, as normally as possible.”

This Q&A is grouped in grouped in sections titled genitourinary/renal, general, cardiovascular, ketoacidosis, and Special Authority funding arising from issues discussed at webinars in early 2021. The content has been reviewed by Waikato DHB endocrinologist/diabetologist Dr Ryan Paul

Researchers don’t understand exactly how the disease might trigger Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes, or whether the cases are temporary or permanent. But 14 percent of those with severe covid-19 developed a form of the disorder, one analysis found

Experts are warning a bug-crushing Australian spider species may be spreading through southern Christchurch backyards

Salomon Melgen, the once-prominent South Florida eye doctor who was serving a 17-year sentence for a $73 million Medicare fraud conviction, was among the 73 people pardoned by Donald Trump early Wednesday

Some researchers have turned their focus to artificial intelligence to study an underused symptom common to most respiratory pathogens—cough

Until a few months ago scientists Ugur Sahin and Özlem Türeci lived a relatively obscure life in the German city of Mainz. Despite being worth billions, the so-called "husband and wife dream team" were known locally for their modesty: they share an unpretentious apartment with their teenage daughter and would only ever arrive at work on pushbikes

Ashley Locke, 29, got her first injection this month as part of the AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine trial. Since she started the trial Nov. 16 in Nashville, Tennessee, millions of people have watched as she documented her experience on TikTok