+That's Interesting

+That's Interesting

Settlement of two Australian class actions is largest in country’s history and subject to federal court approval

A new treatment in development at Duke University successfully makes use of CRISPR gene-editing technology to prevent COVID-19 infections for the first time

After a decade of planning, fund raising and design, construction is finally underway today on the Christchurch Youth Hub

GPs: underpaid compared with specialist peers. Overloaded with admin. Stressed out by the pressures of COVID-19. No longer aspirational to med-school graduates. Diagnosis: a profession in need of urgent treatment

Stick shifts are dying. When they go, something bigger than driving will be lost

video of a North Carolina beach house being dismembered by a voracious ocean was a viral hit this spring. But it won’t be long before the novelty wears off.

In the Great Lakes, sea lampreys are a scourge. In Europe, they’re an endangered cultural treasure. Can biologists suppress—and save—the species?

Jack Tame from TVNZ's Q & A visits Papakura Marae GP Dr Matire Harwood to see how bad COVID is hitting both the community, and health workers.

Violent incidents at GP surgeries have doubled in less than five years, according to figures from police forces across the UK.

A new online dating survey shows nearly half of straight women over the age of 50 say they never use protection against sexually transmitted infections (STIs)