A GP’s care of a highly vulnerable and traumatised woman, who had suffered the worse abuse of any patient the GP had encountered, was found to be of “significant concern”
The country’s doctor workforce has topped 20,000 for the first time, but specialist GP numbers are growing at just half the rate of the total medical workforce, the latest Medical Council statistics show
A large number of women seeking abortions still prefer to see their primary care provider over a telehealth referral, a research project into abortion care since the 2020 reforms found
News Te Whatu Ora is working on a better funding model than the current $75 fee for delivering early medical abortions in primary care is welcomed by the sector
News Te Whatu Ora is working on a better funding model than the current $75 fee for delivering early medical abortions in primary care is welcomed by the sector
The country’s doctor workforce has topped 20,000 for the first time, but specialist GP numbers are growing at just half the rate of the total medical workforce, the latest Medical Council statistics show
A large number of women seeking abortions still prefer to see their primary care provider over a telehealth referral, a research project into abortion care since the 2020 reforms found