Funding for urgent care registrar training in 2025 is in limbo with the training body waiting to hear if its request for new workplace training funding is successful
Four out of five NHS England general practices are now taking some form of collective action in a bid to stop the “collapse” of general practice, says a UK GP leader
Details of how and when Plunket nurses will step into providing childhood immunisations are still being finalised, say Plunket and Te Whatu Ora leaders
Patients living in rural locations are disadvantaged by a capitation model that doesn’t factor in their unique needs, says West Coast PHO chief executive Caro Findlay
Delays in settling Te Whatu Ora funding for GP registrar training in 2025 are creating a “significant amount of job insecurity” for potential GPs, says a doctors’ union leader
Patients living in rural locations are disadvantaged by a capitation model that doesn’t factor in their unique needs, says West Coast PHO chief executive Caro Findlay