Lack of timely and appropriate follow-up of abnormal test results by GP breaches the Code - 21HDC02050


Lack of timely and appropriate follow-up of abnormal test results by GP breaches the Code - 21HDC02050

Decision by the Health and Disability Commissioner

In a report released today, Deputy Health and Disability Commissioner Vanessa Caldwell has found a GP breached the Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers’ Rights (the Code) by failing to take the additional and appropriate follow-up actions after an ECG returned an abnormal result.

The report concerns the care provided to a woman by a locum GP after the woman received a COVID-19 Pfizer Comirnaty vaccine. The woman had a rare genetic disorder and following the vaccine her condition began to deteriorate. She presented at an urgent care clinic, where she was assessed by the locum GP.

An ECG taken at the clinic showed abnormal results, but the woman was discharged home without further investigation by the GP and, sadly, the woman passed away four days later.

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