Simeon Brown’s performance scorecard: C for ‘could do so much better’

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Simeon Brown’s performance scorecard: C for ‘could do so much better’

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Health minister Simeon Brown’s performance so far has been far from a slam dunk [Image: Tom Briskey on Unsplash]

March kicked off with a flurry of health announcements; it was a lot to take in. So, to gauge readers’ reactions to the various funding initiatives, we at New Zealand Doctor Rata Aotearoa decided to take a straw poll. We surveyed Daily Triage email newsletter subscribers, asking ‘What do you reckon?’ about the health minister’s Primary Care Package. The process ran from 13 to 17 March and had 102 responses. Deputy editor Patrice Dougan delves into the findings

Most New Zealand Doctor Rata Aotearoa readers don’t believe the $285 million performance-based funding allocation for primary care is enough or that h