Sexist and racist comments appalling, but not surprising


Sexist and racist comments appalling, but not surprising

Media release from Family Planning

Family Planning says it is appalled, but not surprised, at sexist and racist comments on Minister Kiritapu Allan’s social media feed.

"As a sexual and reproductive health provider we know that double standards around sexual behaviour continue. Men’s behaviour is positively acknowledged while women are criticised, blamed and shamed. Not only is it wrong and hurtful, we worry that attitudes like this might prevent women coming forward for health care and treatment," Family Planning chief executive Jackie Edmond says.

"The situation is compounded when issues of race are included. We need to be very clear that we want equity across health care - equity of access to service, equity of access to treatment, and equity of outcome. When survival rates for cervical cancer, for instance, are so different for Māori women compared to non-Māori, it is clear that for many, many people our health system is failing to deliver. We can and must do better."
