Many people travel to high-altitude destinations, meaning clinicians are often faced with questions about how to prevent and treat altitude illness. Update your knowledge with this New Zealand Society of Travel Medicine summary of updated evidence-based guidelines with comments by senior lecturer Jenny Visser – it outlines the best prophylactic regimens, diagnostic approaches and treatment protocols for acute altitude illness
The New Zealand Medical Journal is out on Friday
The New Zealand Medical Journal is out on Friday

New Zealand Medical Journal Vol. 133 No.1522
Editorial 1
Could comprehensive cancer centres improve cancer outcomes and equity in New Zealand?
Murray Brennan, Frank Frizelle
Editorial 2
TBC – On health inequity
Curtis Walker
4547 - How is dementia portrayed in New Zealand newsprint media? Causes, effects and moral evaluation
Sarah Cullum, Rachael Simpson, Farzana Gounder
3906 - Patient characteristics and predictors of completion of a pulmonary rehabilitation programme in Auckland, New Zealand
Sarah Candy, Nicola Jepsen, Christin Coomarasamy, Jonathan Curry, Grace Dodson, Joe Pomelile, Mitchel Versey, Julie Reeve
4268 - A feasibility study investigating the impact of a dietitian-led low in fermentable oligosaccharide, disaccharide, monosaccharide and polyols diet group education programme with irritable bowel syndrome
Dorcas Chan, Paula Skidmore, Leigh O’Brien, Sally Watson, Richard Gearry
4441 - Are over-the-counter fish oil supplements safe, effective and accurate with labelling? Analysis of 10 New Zealand fish oil supplements
Julia J Rucklidge, Ian C Shaw
Jocylene Benetar, Tara Elville, Helen Wihongi, The Whānau
4482- Lessons from a system-wide response to a measles outbreak, Canterbury, February–April 2019
Daniel Williams, Meik Dilcher, Hongfang Dong, Bridget Lester, Kerry Marshall, Ramon Pink, Debbie Smith, Jimmy Wong
4584 - Medication dispensing for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder to New Zealand youth
Stephanie D’Souza, Nick Bowden, Sheree Gibb, Nichola Shackleton, Richard Audas, Sarah Hetrick, Barry Taylor, Barry Milne
4785 - Knowledge and perspectives about the use of cannabis as a medicine: a mixed methods observational study in a cohort of New Zealand general practice patients
Karen Oldfield, Allie Eathorne, Ingrid Maijers, Richard Beasley, Alex Semprini, Irene Braithwaite
4597- Review Article: Why dizziness is likely to increase the risk of cognitive dysfunction and dementia in elderly adults
Paul F Smith
OPEN ACCESS/NO PAYWALL. 4782: NZ Doctors and Euthanasia—Legal and Practical Considerations of the End of Life Choice Act
David B Menkes, Nicholas Hoeh
4461- A pragmatic diagnostic approach to myocardial infarction with non-obstructive coronary arteries
Ammar J Alsamarrai, Jocelyne R Benatar, Eun Soo Chung, Jithendra B Somaratne
4637- The assessment of testamentary capacity (Chronic medical conditions – medical assessments)
Jane Casey, Anthony Grant
OPEN ACCESS/NO PAYWALL 4677 - Computers, confounding, clusters, consent, cost, COVID and consultation: how the Health and Disability Code impedes the learning health system
Mark Webster, Ralph Stewart
OPEN ACESS / NO PAYWALL. 4753 - Management of personal protective equipment in New Zealand during the COVID-19 pandemic: report from the Auditor-General
Elizabeth Fenton
OPEN ACCESS/NO PAYWALL 4749 - A model respiratory personal protective programme for the New Zealand healthcare industry
Chris Walls, Geraint Emrys, Siobhan Gavaghan, Des Gorman, David McBride, Dave McLean