RNZCGP COVID-19 advice to members after working with Air New Zealand


RNZCGP COVID-19 advice to members after working with Air New Zealand


Questions have been asked about the risks associated with pilots and cabin crew because of the COVID-19 pandemic. This information provides guidance about management of typical concerns.

Is flying 'high risk' for pilots and cabin-crew?

No. Even with a symptomatic passenger on board, routine hygiene procedures, limited aerosol exposure and HEPA filtration of cabin air make virus transmission in flight very unlikely.

What do I do if a pilot or cabin crew member complains of a febrile illness?

- Assess if there is a known exposure to a confirmed case of COVID-19 within the last 14 days. Follow Ministry of Health guidance if so.

- Ask if the patient has already spoken to the airline medical service: they may have already been given advice. The Ministry of Health has delegated initial risk assessment to the airlines for employees.

Is there increased risk for crews transiting through countries where there are cases of COVID-19?

- International guidance views the precautions placed on exposure for crews in transit as adequate protection to ensure there is a very low risk of infection for crew in transit. GPs should not decline to see crews on this basis.

Airline medical departments and the Ministry of Health work closely to manage the risks of all transmissible disease. Advice and management will reflect the latest national and international advice.
