Medical Council of New Zealand chief executive, Philip Pigou resigns


Medical Council of New Zealand chief executive, Philip Pigou resigns

Media release from the Medical Counil of New Zealand

Mr Andrew Connolly, chair of the Medical Council of New Zealand, today announced the resignation of the Council’s chief executive, Philip Pigou.

Mr Pigou is to take up the role of chief executive with the Australian Medical Council in Canberra in January 2018.

Mr Connolly said, ‘In the 12 years Philip has lead the Council as chief executive, it has become one of the world leaders in medical regulation.

‘The past decade has seen us lead rather than follow in the areas of promoting good regulation, and the setting standards for both clinical and cultural competence that reflect the expectations of the public, profession and stakeholders.

‘But the most important thing underpinning everything Philip has done, has been his focus on Council’s primary purpose – the protection of the health and safety of the public.’

‘Many of the activities Philip has overseen such as recertification and fitness to practise, have had very real and tangible benefits for patients and doctors alike by improving standards of health care.’ 

Mr Connolly says the Council will shortly begin recruitment for a new chief executive.
