Health charter to be delivered to parliament


Health charter to be delivered to parliament

Media release from United Community Action Network
2 minutes to Read

The United Community Action Network (UCAN) will deliver it's health charter to parliament tomorrow, Tuesday 14 August at 1230pm on parliament grounds.

The College of Nurses, low-cost health providers, The Equality and Living Wage Networks and the Public Health Association Wellington branch are some of the groups who have signed the charter.

The charter calls for the right to: health care, a living income, a safe and healthy home, the ability to take party in society, a safe environment and an education.

UCAN is a national grassroots health rights organisation based in Wellington.

The group’s spokesperson, Debbie Leyland, says the growing gap between rich and poor sits next to health under funding as the country's biggest health concerns.

“More and more people are being denied health care because they can’t afford it,” she says. “Poor housing, homelessness and low wages and benefits are as big a health problem as our growing waiting lists and number of people who need surgery but can’t get on a list.”

New Zealand has enough wealth to provide for all citizens but wealth is "poorly distributed", she says.

“The provision of basic rights for all citizens just isn't a priority."

Leyland is calling on all political parties to support the charter.

Labour party finance spokesperson, Grant Robertson, Green Party social development spokesperson Jan Logie will speak at the presentation alongside representatives from Child Poverty Action Group, The Equality Network and The Living Wage Network.



United Community Action Network is a treaty-based grassroots health organisation that campaigns for the right to health. It has a strong focus on primary health, a fully-funded health system and living income for all.

The UCAN Charter for Health 2017

Everyone’s right to the health care they need

Free primary medical care available in every community.   

Everyone’s right to a living income

Support a living wage and income for all, including beneficiaries.

Everyone’s right to a home

Support affordable, safe and healthy housing.

Everyone’s right to take part in our society

Support community centers, drop in centers, with free internet connectivity and public transport.

Everyone’s right to a safe environment

Support improved access to healthy food, water and air. Regulate and tax foods full of sugar, fat and salt. Ban advertising of unhealthy foods and alcohol. Protect our water and the air we breathe from contamination..

Everyone’s right to education

Support accessible educational opportunities for all.

Health Charter signatories

Signatories include:

Child Poverty Action Group,

College of Nurses Aotearoa NZ,

Hutt Union and Community Health Service,

Newtown Union Health Service,

Porirua Union and Community Health Service,

Public Health Association of New Zealand, and

University of Otago Wellington Department of Public Health.
