2020 NZMA elections | Call for nominations

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2020 NZMA elections | Call for nominations

Media release from the NZMA
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The 2020 NZMA Elections are opening a call for nominations. Please see below for more information and refer to the information handbook.

NZMA Board

In accordance with constitutional rules and by-laws for the New Zealand Medical Association (NZMA), nominations are invited for two positions on the NZMA Board. All financial members of the NZMA who are registered medical practitioners are eligible to be nominated for the Board member positions.

All nominations must have the endorsement of the nominee. Please note: all elected members will have a term of office of two years.

Click here for a copy of the nomination form. If more nominations are received than positions available, an election will be held.

Nominations close midnight Friday 13 March.

‍Doctors-in-Training Council

In accordance with Bylaw 3 of the New Zealand Medical Association (NZMA), nominations are invited for four positions on the Doctors-in-Training Council.

Nominees must be NZMA members who are RMOs or GP Trainees, and must be nominated by a fellow NZMA member who is also an RMO or GP Trainee. All nominations must have the endorsement of the nominee.

Click here for a copy of the nomination form. If more nominations are received than positions available, an election will be held.

Nominations close midnight Friday 13 March.

‍Specialist Council

In accordance with Bylaw 2 of the New Zealand Medical Association (NZMA), nominations are invited for one position on the Specialist Council.

Nominees must be NZMA members who are Specialists, and must be nominated by a fellow NZMA member who is also a Specialist. All nominations must have the endorsement of the nominee.

Click here for a copy of the nomination form. If more nominations are received than positions available, an election will be held.

Nominations close midnight Friday 13 March.