Parekawhia McLean: Meet the Māori monitor setting a ‘fearless’ agenda

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Parekawhia McLean: Meet the Māori monitor setting a ‘fearless’ agenda

Parekawhia McLean
Hauora Māori Advisory Committee chair Parekawhia McLean says the committee’s integrity and mana will never allow it to be treated as a box ticker [Image: Supplied]

In a year where the Coalition Government has acted on promises to disband Te Aka Whai Ora Māori Health Authority, remove equity as a health priority and discourage official use of te reo Government agency names, the yet-to-be proven iwi Māori partnership boards can appear like the last man standing from the Pae Ora (Healthy Futures) legalisation for those seeking meaningful input from Māori into Māori health policy and service provision. But there is another; the Hauora Māori Advisory Committee. Reporter Alan Perrott talks to the committee leader seeking a greater voice in the delivery of equity and Māori healthcare

We have to be ahead of the game, not responding to events after they happen As regrets go, watching a report intended as a roadmap to direct Te A