Legal action will likely follow the Te Puni Kōkiri Ministry of Māori Development tender process that saw all three whānau ora commissioning agencies lose their contracts
The failure of multiple governments to address inequities in bowel cancer screening has led to “the potentially avoidable death of thousands of New Zealanders”, says a New Zealand Medical Journal editorial
A crying woman lifted herself from a pool to deliver a stillborn baby into her husband’s hands as he “prayed loudly” and awaited the return of the midwife who’d driven away to get coffee and find a toilet
The Government has revealed the names of the six-member Health Assurance Unit, a panel sitting outside of healthcare and charged with helping the health minister meet his targets
The removal of contracts from all three whānau ora agencies was a 'political decision', says Pasifika Futures chief executive Debbie Sorensen, and the behaviour of Te Puni Kōkiri has been ‘rude and appalling’