Caring enough to knock on the right doors

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Caring enough to knock on the right doors

South seas healthcare mobile 1
Mobile lead Cherry Elisaia, nurse Niteeka Naidu, and support worker Tasi Eniata

Alan Perrott accompanies a mobile team that visits people missing out on the care they need

Pictured above: South Seas Healthcare's mobile service team arrive at a patient's door (from left): Mobile lead Cherry Elisaia, nurse Niteeka Naidu, and support worker Tasi Eniata. Ms Elisaia is holding their newly donated digital stethoscope which connects to the South Seas practice via phone app

Campervan care, •South Seas Healthcare’s mobile clinic concept is simple: put two nurses in a campervan and send them out to check on anyone who, for whatever reason,, South seas healthcare mobile 2, The mobile service is about helping people take control of their health again, says team leader Cherry Elisaia