+That's Interesting

+That's Interesting

A 10-year-old girl who endured "excruciating" abdominal pain for more than a month was not given a scan which could have identified the issue sooner, say her parents

The number of GP training places accepted in Wales has once more exceeded the national target, the Welsh health minister has announced

Surgery users launch petition demanding end to parking management scheme that hands out draconian fines

In Pakistan, a person on an average gets 8-to-9 injections per year

Up to 40,000 people who live and work on land contaminated by the chemical compound PFAS are suing the Australian Government

Eating healthy food is almost always also best for the environment, according to the most sophisticated analysis to date

Health bosses have expressed "serious concerns" over the possible re-accreditation of the UK's largest group of registered homeopaths

bout 12,000 fake kits to test for sexually transmitted infections have been seized in the UK in the past four years, figures show

Technology used by engineers to listen for faults in bridges could be used to diagnose 'noisy' arthritic knees, a study suggests

Among patients at increased risk of complications after major surgery, light general anaesthesia was not associated with lower 1-year mortality than deep general anaesthesia