Backyard shenanigans confirm drought is indeed a multipronged health issue

Summer Hiatus

Backyard shenanigans confirm drought is indeed a multipronged health issue

Dead leaf
Garden plants are dying lingering, thirsty deaths

We are on our summer break and the editorial office is closed until 18 January. In the meantime, please enjoy our Summer Hiatus series, in which our journalists curate an eclectic mix from our news and clinical archives throughout the year, The Conversation and other publications we share content with. Please note the comment function has been turned off while we are away.

From Alan Perrott: Just a laugh at myself I guess because this is the stuff that wound me up before COVID-19 crashed the party and wet the bed. Good times.

As the song doesn’t say quite strongly enough, I like rain. Actually, I want it. And I need it. Which, to my way of thinking, is one and the same thin