Learning not lynching: Streamlined responses to medical error are possible

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Learning not lynching: Streamlined responses to medical error are possible

Gaeline Phipps

Gaeline Phipps

Crumpled paper
When screw-ups happen, open, timely disclosure is important [Image: Steve Johnson on Unsplash]

Wellington barrister Gaeline Phipps compares the office of the Health and Disability Commissioner’s straightforward approach to the Ministry of Health’s error over a COVID-19 vaccine dose shortfall with that of the convoluted investigatory and disciplinary process GPs would expect for medical error

Key points, Open disclosure affirms consumers’ rights, fosters open and honest professional relationships and enables systems change to improve service quality. , Pract Green w Pale Yellow

1. Dreaver C. Covid-19 vaccine mistake in Auckland sparks investigation. RNZ, 25 August 2021. rnz.co.nz
2. Dreaver C. Covid-19: Ministry of Health confirms another possible vaccine mistake. RNZ, 26 August 2021. rnz.co.nz
3. Collins DB. New Zealand’s medical manslaughter. Med Law 1992;11:221–58.