HEALTH MINISTER Andrew Little has given a generalised reassurance that the care New Zealanders rely on “will still be available”, including from GPs, local pharmacists, midwives, hospitals and specialists
A new interactive tool mapping emergency medical responses across the country is the source of hope for new discussions on how services like PRIME could be better funded and resourced
A new interactive tool mapping emergency medical responses across the country is the source of hope for new discussions on how services like PRIME could be better funded and resourced
Overwhelmed and honoured to receive the Peter Snow Memo¬rial Award, Kerikeri GP Gra¬hame Jelley had to cut his acceptance speech short to avoid becoming a “blubbering mess”
HEALTH MINISTER Andrew Little has given a generalised reassurance that the care New Zealanders rely on “will still be available”, including from GPs, local pharmacists, midwives, hospitals and specialists
COVID-19 lockdowns and social distancing have made big musical events a rarity, so arriving at Auckland’s Eden Park to watch Six60 on a Saturday night with 50,000 other people was an amazing, if not surreal, experience