Te Whatu Ora should take on the employment of GP trainees, according to the report that underpins the Government’s new efforts to improve the training and make it attractive to many more doctors
Te Whatu Ora should take on the employment of GP trainees, according to the report that underpins the Government’s new efforts to improve the training and make it attractive to many more doctors
Only a third of ACC claimants with mild traumatic brain injury receive a follow-up healthcare appointment, Auckland University of Technology researchers have found.
A skin cancer training organisation says all GPs should undertake at least introductory training in the use of a dermatoscope for the detection of skin cancers
Former ProCare interim chief executive Tony Wai has withdrawn his challenge to specialist GP Francesco Lentini for a seat on the ProCare cooperative board
The Ministry of Health has done “excellent work” in response to the Official Information Act 1982, but has been found wanting in how it handles some official information requests
Specialist GP and clinic co-owner Hinamaha Lutui credits her exposure to a Pasifika general practice early in her medical career with confirming that it was the specialty for her.
Specialist GP and clinic co-owner Hinamaha Lutui credits her exposure to a Pasifika general practice early in her medical career with confirming that it was the specialty for her.