Website intended for a NZ health professional readership
A review team says the stresses of restructuring – and ignoring expert advice – are behind Te Whatu Ora’s embarrassing publication of faulty data on emergency departments’ performance
Two specialist GPs associated with Ora Toa PHO are acknowledged in the 2022 annual report of the organisation’s owner, Te Rūnanga O Toa Rangatira
ACC is seeking the advice of sector experts in reviewing primary acute care
An NGO-run birthing centre is negotiating for funding but whether the space is still needed seems unclear, writes Martin Johnston
It could be a case of California Dreamin’ for Bay of Plenty doctor Chris Tofield, who has started a business selling T-shirts
As endorsement of Te Mauri o Rongo | NZ Health Charter comes closer, RNZCGP president Sam Murton questions its reach
Martin Johnston reports from the sidelines of a dispute about after-hours obligations
White Cross has started charging a copayment of $49 for medical visits by children aged under 14 during office hours in Whangārei, citing rising costs