Tāmaki Health is understood to be up for sale, four years after Sydney-based Mercury Capital bought 49 per cent stake in a business that had been controlled by the Patel family
Psychiatrist Selwyn Leeks should have been prevented from practising in 1977, the Medical Council says, as part of its apology to victims of Dr Leeks’ unmodified paediatric electroconvulsive therapy.
Stephen Child, of health insurer Southern Cross, is questioning the huge range of private specialist fees for procedures, faced by patients and their insurers
Provisional approval has been granted for a second COVID-19 vaccine to be used in New Zealand, but the Janssen jab is likely to play second fiddle to Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine
The Health and Disability Review Transition Unit has sent a questionnaire to PHOs seeking information on exactly how they work, to help design the proposed locality networks