The plan for cash-strapped Oamaru Hospital to contract as a provider of primary care is on hold, in favour of it potentially becoming a community health hub
This year, the Government removed a target barrier that had long stymied DHBs keen to switch certain treat¬ments and procedures from second¬ary to primary care
The Hollywood-inspired three billboards outside Westport no longer grace the West Coast town after contributing some levity in the local battle to replace the ageing Buller Hospital
She laughs about it now, but practice manager Michelle Te Kira recalls nearly having a mass resignation the one year she had to call off a staff Christmas party
The dozen new DHB chairs – including four Māori – will be joining their experienced counterparts in Wellington tomorrow to hear government priorities and expectations of their role
At midnight Sunday, an elected board take over governing a Southern DHB that is in better shape despite still being $44 million in deficit; that is how the outgoing commissioners see it
No definite opening date has yet been set for Greymouth’s beleaguered new hospital which is running two years late and is $22 million over the original budget