If there is such a thing as a health manager’s lament, it might sound a little like whale song. Mournful, rising out of the depths and steeped in history
On a muggy, drizzly night on Auckland’s North Shore last week, local MP and justice select committee deputy chair Maggie Barry hosted a debate to a full room upstairs at the local netball centre, in Northcote
On a muggy, drizzly night on Auckland’s North Shore last week, local MP and justice select committee deputy chair Maggie Barry hosted a debate to a full room upstairs at the local netball centre, in Northcote
In our 30th birthday issue we published a spread of photos from our early print archives. Along the way some of the photos were accidentally dropped out
Many of the decisions our DHBs make – and the problems they face – are revealed months after the event. Is secrecy the problem, does the public care, or is something wrong with how we organise health governance? New Zealand Doctor editor Barbara Fountain investigates