Barriers to care are no stranger to Māori with disabilities, says Te Roopu Waiora chief executive Tania Kingi, but they have been supersized by the pandemic response
The interim Māori Health Authority today announced its first “real-world” funding package since the appointment of chief executive Riana Manuel in December
The clinical hub set up by Mahitahi Hauora PHE to handle unenrolled Omicron patients and support struggling general practices reached capacity after only four weeks in operation
GPs at Hamilton-based Te Kōhao Health are alternating weekend shifts to ease the burden of the ongoing Omicron surge, says managing director Lady Tureiti Moxon
Creating a culturally targeted COVID-19 response in provincial New Zealand has been “an intense piece of work”, says Oamaru Pacific Island Community Group general manager Hana Halalele
Expecting providers to manage Omicron on short-term contracts with uncertain cashflow doesn’t seem logical, says Tongan Health Society chief executive Glenn Doherty