Treatments for cancer will soon be at the same level as those used on HIV and COVID-19, says David Thomas, principal research fellow and chief executive of Australian genomic cancer medicine centre Omico
If some of the slides were incomprehensible to the lay person, there was no misunderstanding the presenters’ excitement about the “blue sky” potential of genomic research
Superhero-comic fan Tāmaki Health chief executive Lloyd McCann talks to reporter Alan Perrott about cheesy smiles, speaking up for the Māori Health Authority, and managing risk
Superhero-comic fan Tāmaki Health chief executive Lloyd McCann talks to reporter Alan Perrott about cheesy smiles, speaking up for the Māori Health Authority, and managing risk
If some of the slides were incomprehensible to the lay person, there was no misunderstanding the presenters’ excitement about the “blue sky” potential of genomic research
Superhero-comic fan Tāmaki Health chief executive Lloyd McCann talks to reporter Alan Perrott about cheesy smiles, speaking up for the Māori Health Authority, and managing risk
GPs have an important role in providing a child with the earliest possible diagnosis of cerebral palsy, says Amy Hogan, a research consultant and writer living with the condition
It’s a rare presentation when the speakers commend the audience on their bravery: “But maybe it’s like watching a horror movie,” says specialist GP Lucy Gibberd, “sometimes it’s nice to be frightened”