It’s a big week here at Castle Health Media what with the contingent heading off to Roto-Vegas on Thursday for the general practice conference (wall-to-wall coverage coming your way soon) and the arrival of Amy van der Loo as our new clinical editor
Alan Perrott unfolds the legacy of public health doctor George Salmond, who famously resigned from the Ministry of Health under a pro-market government and took the antinuclear fight to the world stage
The first nationwide study into the notified incidence of Legionnaire disease has found a rate three times higher than previously thought, and the highest anywhere in the world
The actions of a midwife who told a mother she was receiving pain relief while only saline was actually being administered were disgraceful and dishonest says the health and disability commissioner
Former Nelson Hospital cardiologist Samuel Wilson has been suspended for one year with three years’ work supervision by the Health Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal