The mental impact of lockdown on children has been a problem for schools since they reopened in late August, says National Hauora Coalition leader service delivery Rachel Brown
“What are you going to do about the Māori smokers who are bringing this on themselves?” It was this loaded question that clearly lay behind commentary provided to researchers on a paper they submitted to the New Zealand Medical Journal
A new national Māori health action plan has been designed to return the sector’s focus to achieving equitable and improved health outcomes for Māori, says health and social development consultant Ria Earp
Culturally specific COVID-19 campaigns are not only about providing information – they also call people to action, says Counties Manukau DHB chief executive Margie Apa
Culturally specific COVID-19 campaigns are not only about providing information – they also call people to action, says Counties Manukau DHB chief executive Margie Apa
A new national Māori health action plan has been designed to return the sector’s focus to achieving equitable and improved health outcomes for Māori, says health and social development consultant Ria Earp