Q&A: ‘Scrap it!' Malloy draws line in sand over vexed VLCA debate

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Q&A: ‘Scrap it!' Malloy draws line in sand over vexed VLCA debate

Very Low Cost Access funding has been a lightning rod of debate in primary care for the past few years, with repeated calls from GPs and others in primary care for the “inequitable” system to be scrapped – calls which have so far been ignored by health minister Jonathan Coleman. The RNZCGP’s position, and that of its president Tim Malloy – who himself runs a VLCA practice north of Auckland – have sometimes been lost in the noisy debate (New Zealand Doctor, 15 February). Cliff Taylor met with Dr Malloy at his Wellsford practice late last month to find out exactly where he stands on VLCA

Does the college have a position on whether the VLCA scheme should be retained or scrapped? The college position is that the whole of general pract