Development of a new Carers’ Strategy Action Plan 2019 – 2023


Development of a new Carers’ Strategy Action Plan 2019 – 2023

Media release from minister of social development Carmel Sepuloni
1 minute to Read

The Government is developing a new Action Plan that will provide better support for over 430,000 New Zealanders that care for friends or family because of a health condition, injury or disability, Minister of Social Development Carmel Sepuloni announced today.

 “We know that making a commitment to caregiving can have a major impact on a person’s life and their family, including poorer mental and physical health, loss of social connectedness, negative impacts on financial circumstances and paid employment, and concerns about the future of the person being cared for,” Carmel Sepuloni said.

“The contribution made by carers represents significant economic and social value to New Zealand society. The Action Plan is part of the Government’s commitment to recognising this contribution and supporting the people who provide it.

The Government will develop the new Carers’ Strategy Action Plan 2019 – 2023 together with the Carers Alliance.

“The people who need care also reflect New Zealand’s diversity and need for support for a wide-range of reasons including mental health conditions, addictions, disability, injury, and aged-related assistance.

 “We want New Zealand to be a place where carers who support their friends and family have improved wellbeing and long-term outcomes. The refreshed Carers’ Strategy Action Plan will be bold and ensure that existing supports are fit-for-purpose and fair to carers.

“I encourage all carers to have their say and participate in developing the new Action Plan by completing an online survey.

Information about the new Carers’ Strategy Action Plan and a link to the survey can be found here.

There will also be targeted engagement with younger, older, Pacific and Maori carers who have difficulty accessing appropriate services and supports.

 “Following the initial engagement with carers there will be a public consultation process announced early next year,” Carmel Sepuloni said.

