New resources (English, Māori, Samoan, Tongan and Cook Island) for 2018 Stroke Fast Campaign


New resources (English, Māori, Samoan, Tongan and Cook Island) for 2018 Stroke Fast Campaign

Media release from Health Promotion Agency, Te Hiringa Hauora
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Fast campaign

Kia Ora Koutou, Talofa Lava, Kia Orana, Malo e Lelei

I’m pleased to let you know additional resources have been developed to support the 2018 Stroke Fast Campaign which is in for three months until the end of September.

Campaign in market – Stroke FAST

The campaign audience is those people who may witness someone else having a stroke. This year the campaign has a focus on Māori and Pacific audiences. Channels include TV, radio, digital and out of home as well as information for community settings. Based on consumer research, we have introduced two new ideas this year – “a stroke is a brain attack”, and the T has been changed to take action.

A stroke is a brain attack.

The FAST mnemonic is to help people recognise when someone may be having a stroke, that it is always a medical emergency, and to call 111 immediately.

F - Face – Is their face drooping on one side?

A - Arm – Is one arm weak?

S - Speech – Is their speech jumbled, slurred or lost?

T – Take Action – Call 111.

Resources available

Please help us to share the FAST message in your communities. In partnership with Ministry of Health and Stroke Foundation, additional resources and channels were developed and rolled out this month, including:

· a new Facebook page (Please like and re-share content)

· a video showing why calling 111 is so important filmed with Canterbury District Health Board - (Please like and re-share content)

· posters translated in Te Reo and Pacific languages (Samoan, Cook Island and Tongan) that are available to download (Please take pics of posters in situ and send them to us)

· a number of social influencers who will be talking about key messages from the campaign, including Sela Alo from FLAVA, Logan Dodds, and Stacey Morrison, and some local Pacific influencers. (Please like and re-share content)

· Targeted promotion on community radio for Māori, Samoan, Tongan and Cook Island audiences in key areas such as Auckland, Wellington and the regions.

We would love to see how you have used any of the resources in your local context, please feel free to email through any examples.

Soifua, Ngā Mihi

