Five years on since New Zealand’s first COVID-19 lockdown


Five years on since New Zealand’s first COVID-19 lockdown

Media release from Brooke van Velden, minister of internal affairs
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Today marks the fifth anniversary of the first COVID-19 lockdown for New Zealand. The country remained at alert level 4 until 27 April 2020.

New Zealand experienced further lockdowns in 2021, with Auckland and Northland remaining in lockdown for longer than other parts of New Zealand.

“I know that many New Zealanders are still experiencing the impact of the pandemic years after it first started, whether that’s on their business, their children’s education, or their health”, says Ms van Velden.

“As we take the time to reflect on the anniversary of the first COVID-19 lockdown in New Zealand, I would encourage the public to submit their thoughts to the Inquiry on matters within the terms of reference; including the use of vaccines, lockdowns, testing, and public health materials.”

Last year the Government announced there would be a second phase of the Inquiry into COVID-19 covering outstanding matters of public concern. Both the ACT-National and New Zealand First-National coalition agreements include commitments to expand the Inquiry into COVID-19. Phase 2 of the Inquiry began on 29 November and will deliver the final report in February 2026.

Any member of the public can submit to the Inquiry using the portal at Submissions close at midnight on 27 April 2025.

“It’s important that New Zealanders tell the Inquiry about their experiences so we can be better prepared as a country for any future events. I look forward to seeing the final report and recommendations delivered to me in February 2026.”