Low-cost and walk-in in Auckland’s central suburb: Surrey Medical Centre’s flexi model works for patients


Low-cost and walk-in in Auckland’s central suburb: Surrey Medical Centre’s flexi model works for patients

Surrey Medical Centre Team
GP registrar Steve Grimson says Surrey Medical Centre has expanded to create a multidisciplinary team, which has made a significant difference to staff and patients. From left: Sharon Loh, Isilay Cakar, Dr Grimson and Erin McGuinness

Auckland’s central suburb, the leafy and affluent Grey Lynn has working class roots. Many of Surrey Medical Centre’s patients can no longer afford to live in area but travel back to receive care from the dedicated team. Zahra Shahtahmasebi reports

They say no day in general practice is ever the same – a fact that’s certainly true at Surrey Medical Centre in central Auckland. The practice has