Warm welcome to the community for new Carefirst Bell Block Medical Centre


Warm welcome to the community for new Carefirst Bell Block Medical Centre

Media release from Carefirst Group
2 minutes to Read

After a significant period with no doctors available in the area, Bell Block’s three new GPs have been welcomed with open arms.

Carefirst Bell Block Medical Centre opened its doors to patients on Tuesday 9 July, following a mihi whakatau (official welcome) to a crowd of more than 50 the night before, led by New Plymouth District Councillor and Puketapu hapū representative, Dinnie Moeahu. Leigh Sampson, Carefirst chief executive said, “It was a special, multicultural welcome into the area that truly reflected both our workforce and the community we are so proud to serve.”

Sharing facilities with Working for Health at 69 Corbett Road, the clinic is run by doctors Nelia Lourens, Geoff Putt and Amanda Brown. They are supported by administration manager Cynette Hickin, registered nurses Abby-Lynn Bruce and Shannon Hawkins, receptionist Rachel Doeg and clinical assistant Jacinta Taylor-Fidow.

Many will already be familiar with Dr Putt, who provides GP care to residents at Kohatu and Norfolk rest homes in Waitara, and Summerset Retirement Village in Bell Block. Aged care is much needed in the community, with a 17.6% increase in over 65 year olds in the region in the last census.

With all current staff living locally, lead GP Dr Lourens says they are acutely aware of just how many in the community are struggling to access GP care when they need it most.

“Bell Block and the surrounding areas have experienced significant and rapid growth in recent years, and the availability of GP care in the community has simply not kept up. With the support of our Carefirst and Skin Clinic Taranaki colleagues, we are really excited to be making a positive contribution to the community’s wellbeing,” Dr Lourens adds.

As a larger primary healthcare provider with clinics in Westown, Merrilands, Moturoa and now Bell Block, Carefirst is well placed to ensure consistent staffing and access to equitable GP care for all.

“We are committed to ensuring ongoing, equitable and timely healthcare to this wonderful, growing community, “ says Sampson.

Given the current need for primary care in the area, anyone with an address north of the Waiwhakaiho bridge can enrol at Carefirst Bell Block, with priority for those who are not currently able to access GP care.

Over time enrolments will be extended to the wider community.

For now, people are encouraged to contact Carefirst Bell Block by calling 06 968 1440 or emailing admin@bellblockmedical.co.nz to enquire about enrolling.

Sampson adds, “It has taken a huge amount of work to get to opening day and that none of it would be possible without the support of Bell Block and the surrounding communities. “We’d like to say a big tēnā koutou (thank you) to everyone that has been working so hard behind the scenes to make the new clinic possible; and last, but certainly not least, tēnā koutou to all those that have enrolled and welcomed Carefirst to the Bell Block community. “Your kind words are very much appreciated!”

The new Carefirst Bell Block Medical Centre, located at 69 Corbett Road [Image: Supplied]