Position statement from the Ministry of Health on ‘abortion reversal’


Position statement from the Ministry of Health on ‘abortion reversal’

Position statement from the Ministry of Health

The Ministry of Health does not support or recognise the practice of ‘abortion reversal’ and is concerned about reports that this may be offered in New Zealand.

'Abortion reversal' is not established by clinical research trials and could lead to severe side effects and adverse outcomes.

Heath professionals should not be providing or offering 'abortion reversal'.

Those who promote the use of medicines for this purpose are breaching section 20 (2) of the Medicines Act 19811.

As a consumer of health services, you are protected by the Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers' Rights. If you (or someone you know) has been given advice about ‘reversing their abortion’ this may be a breach of your rights and we encourage you to contact the Health and Disability Commissioner (HDC), or contact us at csaact@health.govt.nz.

For information and advice on pregnancy options you can visit Sexual Wellbeing Aotearoa. For further support and information on abortion health services you can visit the national abortion telehealth service DECIDE.

For further position statements on this issue please visit the links below.
