World Allergy Week: Raising awareness for allergy-triggered asthma


World Allergy Week: Raising awareness for allergy-triggered asthma

Media release from the Asthma and Respitory Foundation
1 minute to Read

Organised by the World Allergy Organisation (WAO), World Allergy Week is an annual event set to take place from 22-28 April this year, with the Asthma and Respiratory Foundation NZ focussing on allergy-triggered asthma.
The Foundation highlights that approximately 70-80% of asthma in New Zealand is associated with allergy. The Foundation encourages people with allergy-triggered asthma to understand what their triggers are and minimise them as much as possible.

“Many people with asthma are sensitive or “allergic” to certain things that they come in to contact with. The most common asthma triggering allergies are moulds, pets, pollen and dust mites,” says Letitia O’Dwyer, Chief Executive of Asthma and Respiratory Foundation NZ.
To reduce asthma and allergy symptoms, the Foundation advises that all New Zealanders should learn about what triggers their asthma and allergies, and work on reducing their exposure to these triggers in their living environments.

Recommendations include:

-Ensure the home is dry, well ventilated and warm
-Keep mould and dust to a minimum
-Keep pets outside of bedrooms

The Foundation also recommends those with asthma and allergies look out for products approved by its Sensitive Choice® programme, marked by a blue butterfly. Approved products demonstrate a potential benefit for people with asthma or allergies, and most importantly aren’t harmful.

“People can easily identify that a product is asthma and allergy friendly by looking out for the Sensitive Choice butterfly on product packaging. All approved products have gone through an extensive approval process by a group of experts in the field,” says O’Dwyer.

The Asthma and Respiratory Foundation NZ established Sensitive Choice® in New Zealand over 10 years ago. For further advice on minimising exposure to triggers in your home visit
