Anticipatory prescribing - assessment answers

How to Treat

Anticipatory prescribing - assessment answers


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1 minute to Read + 60 minutes to Delve
[Image: Fraser Williamson]

Below are the answers to the assessment from How to Treat: Anticipatory prescribing

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1. What has the strongest influence on the successful initiation of anticipatory prescribing for community palliative and end-of-life care?
b. Expertise of designated prescribers

2. Anticipatory prescribing aims to enable timely access to medications when patients need them most. Which illness trajectory requires earlier initiation of prescribing?
Advanced long-term condition, such as organ failure

3. With anticipatory prescribing, where are medications intended to be accessed?
c. Where needed, in line with patient wishes

4. Why is anticipatory prescribing used?
d. To relieve distressing symptoms

5. The Serious Illness Conversation Guide serves as a guide to which of the following processes?
e. All of the above (addressing concerns about future deteriorations in health; exploring the available interventions before recommendations are made; exploring the patient’s understanding of their illness; identifying the patient’s priorities and values)

6. Early conversations about anticipatory prescribing can be key to establishing connection and trust between patient and prescriber. Which two statements regarding such conversations are correct?
A discussion about anticipatory prescribing should ideally take place more than once
b. Consumers find initiating serious illness conversations difficult and want others to do so

7. What is the primary role of the GP in anticipatory prescribing for community palliative and end-of-life care?
d. They partner with the patient and whānau to manage needs, while maintaining responsibility and oversight of the treatment plan

8. A shared decision is made whether to have anticipatory medications dispensed to the patient’s home or to rely on the stock of the St John ambulances. Which of the following medications must be dispensed to the patient’s home (is not carried by ambulances)?
c. Morphine

9. Which two of the following are enablers of anticipatory prescribing?
b. Having one assigned doctor per aged-care facility
e. Tools for identifying palliative care needs

10. Telehealth is a system that enhances anticipatory prescribing. True or False?

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