Choose the right words: Misapplication of terms obscures inequities

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Choose the right words: Misapplication of terms obscures inequities

Gabrielle Baker, consultant, health equity

Gabrielle Baker

Scrabble CR Brett Jordan on Unsplash
Precision in language is essential, particularly in technical fields like healthcare [Image: Brett Jordan on Unsplash]

Using confusing terms in health documents, such as ‘non-avoidable’, can conceal disparities and undermine efforts towards achieving true health equity, writes Gabrielle Baker

The words we use matter. When working in technical areas, which is usually the case in health services, we must be precise with our terminology, or we
  1. Whitehead M. 1992. The concepts and principles of equity and health. International Journal of Health Services 22:429–445.
  3. Harris, R, et al. We still don’t count: the under-counting and under-representation of Māori in health and disability sector data. New Zealand Medical Journal (2022).
  4. Available on the Ministry of Health website:,The%20definition,to%20get%20equitable%20health%20outcomes
  5. If you want to know more about this international classification system for diseases, you can visit the WHO website: