Many people travel to high-altitude destinations, meaning clinicians are often faced with questions about how to prevent and treat altitude illness. Update your knowledge with this New Zealand Society of Travel Medicine summary of updated evidence-based guidelines with comments by senior lecturer Jenny Visser – it outlines the best prophylactic regimens, diagnostic approaches and treatment protocols for acute altitude illness
Pain in the great toe of athletes can have a variety of causes
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Sports medicine
Pain in the great toe of athletes can have a variety of causes
Wednesday 13 December 2023, 12:35 AM

“Sand toe” is used to describe a hyper-plantarflexion injury to the great toe joint [Image: Robin Edqvist on Unsplash]
Sports physician Steve Targett looks at great toe injuries, with a reminder of the anatomy involved
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Lim S, Liem B. First metatarsophalangeal joint pain in athletes: Diagnosis, management, and return to play considerations. Curr Sports Med Rep 2023;22(6):217–23.