Polypharmacy: Doing the right thing for older people is difficult

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Older People

Polypharmacy: Doing the right thing for older people is difficult

Ngaire Kerse

Ngaire Kerse

The trick with polypharmacy is to keep juggling, but never forget the person at the centre of the juggle [Image: Yi Liu on Unsplash]

Specialist GP Ngaire Kerse discusses new criteria that can be used to identify older patients with polypharmacy at the highest risk of avoidable medication-related harm

Key points, Recent research identified 61 New Zealand-specific potentially inappropriate medication indicators for older adults with polypharmacy, which experts r, Pract Green w Pale Yellow

Liu L, Harrison J. Development of explicit criteria identifying potentially inappropriate polypharmacy in older adults in New Zealand primary care: a mixed-methods study. J Prim Health Care 2023;15(1):38–47.