Using infectious serology tests correctly in general practice

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From the lab

Using infectious serology tests correctly in general practice

Ballpoint pen

Aaron Keene

From the lab
Infectious serology is one of the more commonly rejected tests [Image: Supplied]

Infectious serology tests have several limitations that limit their clinical utility. Recognising these will help avoid false results or rejected tests

This Practice article has been endorsed by the RNZCGP and has been approved for up to 0.25 credits for continuing professional development purposes (1, Educate small, BACK panel - grey

1. Palasanthiran P, Starr M, Jones C, Giles M (Eds). Management of Perinatal Infections, third edition. Sydney, NSW: Australasian Society for Infectious Diseases; 2022.

2. Addidle M. Diagnosing measles: Are you ready for the next inevitable outbreak? New Zealand Doctor, 9 November 2022.