Pegasus Health Charitable appoints Medical Director


Pegasus Health Charitable appoints Medical Director

Media release from Pegasus Health

Pegasus Health Charitable has appointed Dr Ben Hudson to the role of medical director.

“I am pleased that Dr Hudson will be taking up this important new position,” Pegasus CEO Mark Liddle said.

“The role aims to bring the voice of general practice to the Pegasus strategic leadership team.”

“Dr Hudson is an outstanding clinical leader and will have a real impact on how we provide services to the community and to our member practices.”

Dr Hudson is a GP in Lyttelton where he’s worked for the last 16 years. He is head of the Department of Primary Care and Clinical Simulation (Te Tari Hauora Tūmatanui me te Whakataruna Rongoā), University of Otago Christchurch where he is actively involved in primary care research and teaching. He currently holds advisory positions with the Health Research Council, the Ministry of Health, and the National Heart Foundation.

Dr Hudson previously chaired the Canterbury Faculty of the Royal New Zealand College of GPs and was a member of College’s National Advisory Committee, and has been an expert advisor to PHARMAC.

Dr Hudson has been a member of the Pegasus health membership and charitable boards and will be stepping down as a board member to take up the new position.
