Causes and remedies for vaccination errors in the COVID-19 landscape

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Causes and remedies for vaccination errors in the COVID-19 landscape

By Kate Marshall and Belinda White
Vaccine graph
[Image: IMAC]

This article looks at common COVID-19 vaccination errors and their contributing factors, then provides advice to help avoid such errors based around the ‘seven rights of vaccine administration’

Key points, Common COVID-19 vaccination errors in New Zealand are giving the wrong dose for age and expired vaccines being administered. Tired, stressed staff a, Pract Green w Pale Yellow

1. Institute for Safe Medication Practices. Errors with COVID Vaccines Lead ISMP’s of Medication Safety Concerns from 2021. 27 January 2022.

2. Institute for Safe Medication Practices. ISMP Urges Steps Be Taken to Prevent Mix-Ups between Pediatric and Age 12 and Up COVID-19 Vaccines. 8 November 2021.

3. Ministry of Health. Immunisation Handbook 2020. Wellington, NZ: Ministry of Health; 2022.

4. Wexler D. Technically Speaking: Know the “7 Rights” of Vaccine Administration. November 2014.

5. Ministry of Health. Operating Guidelines for DHBs & Providers: COVID-19 Vaccine Immunisation Programme, Version 37.0. Wellington, NZ: Ministry of Health; 6 May 2022.