Nurses vote no to DHB MECA offer


Nurses vote no to DHB MECA offer

Media release from NZNO

NZNO members have rejected the proposed DHB MECA (multi-employer collective agreement) covering the November 2017 to July 2020 period. An overview of the offer as it was presented to members can be found here.

The DHB MECA covers over 27,000 nurses, midwives and health care assistants working in all District Health Boards across the country. Over 400 meetings were held with members nationwide to present the offer and vote.

NZNO Industrial Adviser Lesley Harry explains that mediation between the NZNO and the DHBs is likely to be the next formal step in the bargaining process as parties work again to reach an agreement on a proposed MECA.

“The members’ rejection of the DHB offer reflected their view that the remuneration on the table failed to respect nurses, midwives and healthcare assistants and the huge effort and value they bring to patients and our communities.

“The negotiating team is confident it now has a good steer from members but will also be seeking additional feedback on the areas of the offer that need to change.

“Of course nurses and DHB employers will be doing their best to reach an employment agreement acceptable to both parties.

“Consideration of industrial action will only occur if NZNO and DHBs cannot achieve a resolution of the issues members have raised,” Lesley Harry confirmed.
