PATIENT INFO: Videos help patients navigate COVID in the community


PATIENT INFO: Videos help patients navigate COVID in the community

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Health Navigator video - managing symptoms and calling for help
Health Navigator has produced a series of animated videos to help patients and whānau dealing with COVID-19 at home

“Be strong, accept the challenge, whānau, fight the fight, you can do this”

Consumer health website Health Navigator is rolling out a series of animated videos to help people look after themselves and others with COVID-19.

The need for easy-to-understand resources for people managing at home with COVID-19, and for those having to go to hospital, was identified in talks with the Ministry of Health late last year, says Auckland specialist GP and Health Navigator CEO Janine Bycroft.

After promoting the initial web resources, Health Navigator collaborated with Northland DHB to make a series of video animations, and with the Health Care Home Collaborative to make a much-needed How to use a pulse oximeter video, according to a written statement.

Wellington production company Māori Sidesteps Collective Ltd took on the production – all done when Auckland was in lockdown. This was not straightforward, as the job came with detailed instructions on what was and was not acceptable, right down to the food that was being talked about or shown, being communicated via Zoom meetings, says Dr Bycroft.

The ministry is now helping with scripting for the series and discussing options for further topics.

The name of the series - Aotearoa e te toa! - was gifted by Health Navigator’s cultural advisers Merle Samuels and Karōria Johns.

It loosely means “be strong, accept the challenge, whānau, fight the fight, you can do this”.

For sharing with patients and customers

The videos provide a useful resource for GPs, nurses, pharmacists and other community health providers to share with their patients and customers.

Aotearoa e te toa! Managing your COVID-19 symptoms
Aotearoa e te toa! How to isolate (taratahi) at home
Aotearoa e te toa! Symptoms and calling for help
How to assess your breathing rate
Aotearoa e te toa! Positions to make your breathing easier
How to reduce the spread of infection in your home
COVID-19 contact tracing for workplaces
COVID-19 and your mental health and wellbeing
Digital tools - using technology to recover from COVID-19 at home
COVID positive and pregnant
COVID-19 pregnancy and vaccination
COVID-19 and your medicines
How to use a pulse oximeter
Further online resources

Health Navigator has pages covering the following range of topics, written for health consumers
