Many people travel to high-altitude destinations, meaning clinicians are often faced with questions about how to prevent and treat altitude illness. Update your knowledge with this New Zealand Society of Travel Medicine summary of updated evidence-based guidelines with comments by senior lecturer Jenny Visser – it outlines the best prophylactic regimens, diagnostic approaches and treatment protocols for acute altitude illness
Where the wild things are - David Hayman: Virus hunter
Wednesday 24 November 2021, 03:15 AM

Infectious disease ecologist David Hayman has travelled the globe looking at the spread of pathogens between humans and wildlife [Brad Boniface]
Wildlife veterinary science has taken a former rural Sussex lad to the top of the international infectious diseases world at a critical time in human history. Massey University’s David Hayman speaks to reporter Virginia McMillan
David Hayman PhD, One Health High-Level Expert Panel member (WHO, FAO, World Organisation for Animal Health, UN Environment Programme).
Rutherford Discovery Fellow.
1. Rulli MC, D’Odorico P, Galli N et al. Land-use change and the livestock revolution increase the risk of zoonotic coronavirus transmission from rhinolophid bats. Nat Food 2021;2:409–16.
2. Daszak P, das Neves C, Amuasi J et al. Pandemics report: Escaping the ‘era of pandemics’. Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services secretariat, Bonn, Germany 2020.