Planning for the future during a pandemic


Planning for the future during a pandemic

By Colin Thomson
Umbrellas Photo by Simon Goetz on Unsplash
In difficult times, revisit financial goals and insurance protection [Simon Goetz on Unsplash]


For several months, lockdowns have interrupted our ability to make plans. It’s not clear yet when we’ll return to Alert Level 1, or when life will go back to “normal”. This uncertainty has made it difficult to stick to our retirement savings and insurance plans. What can we do to ensure we’re financially prepared for the future?Prepared planner, North Island

For many people, the global pandemic and varying Alert Levels across the country have raised a lot of uncertainty around the immediate future. In a, Colin Thomson, Colin Thomson

Polk MG, Smith EL, Zhang LR, et al. Thinking ahead and staying in the present: Implications for reactivity to daily stressors. Pers. Individ. Differ. 2020;161.