Understanding, mitigating and managing vaccination reactogenicity

In print

Understanding, mitigating and managing vaccination reactogenicity

By Joan Ingram and Jennifer Andrews
Summary of vaccination and host factors that can influence reactogenicity. (Image:Hervé C, et al (NPJ Vaccines 2019;4:39), CC BY 4.0)
Summary of vaccination and host factors that can influence reactogenicity. [Image: Hervé C, et al (NPJ Vaccines 2019;4:39), CC BY 4.0]

This article looks at potential causes of vaccine reactogenicity, what influences development of symptoms, and how it can be mitigated and managed

Joan Ingram and Jennifer Andrews

Key Points, Some vaccines induce a stronger reactogenicity response than others. Managing expectations of patients can improve vaccine acceptance. Pain and st, Pract Green w Pale Yellow

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